Cross building NetBSD userland
Jens Mehler
2014-09-18 12:05:03 UTC
Hi Folks I hope this is the correct list.

After resolving several issues with my GCC port and finally being able
to build the kernel as intended I started porting the userland for the
Eco32 processor.

I use the following commands
export MKGCCMDS=no
export MKBINUTILS=no
export MKGDB=no
export MKSTATICLIB=yes
./build.sh -T ./obj/tooldir -u -U -m eco32 release

The build starts and finally ends with:
obj ===> lib
obj ===> lib/csu
obj ===> lib/../external/gpl3/gcc/lib/libgcc
obj ===> lib/../external/gpl3/gcc/lib/libgcc/libgcc
nbmake: "/hdd/home/okarin/eco32/netbsd/usr/src/share/mk/bsd.files.mk"
line 110: Wrong number of words (1) in .for substitution list with 2 vars
nbmake: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
nbmake: stopped in

I wonder what I am missing.
Is there some kind of guide to get the userland compiled for the first
time ?

With best regards,
